Tuesday 5 January 2016

Almost time....

Donating time left 80 days only......

Phew, so its Tuesday and we leave on Thursday dark and early :)  So so so exciting....

As I said before I decided after the longer run on New Years Day that I was not going to run again untill I was in Carolina...it turns out  I actually would have liked to have run but I ended up falling down some stairs while visit a special friend and I feel it was nature telling me to just rest and chill....You can prepare as much as you want...try to take all precautions to avoid slipping on the bloody ice and banging yourself up....(even go so low as to wear your cycling helmet!!)...and then all it takes is a pair of woolly socks, a lovely atmosphere where you are all relaxed and showing off  and next thing you know, you are very grateful for your sizable butt cheek cushioning!!!!!!

Thank goodness it was more of a shock than anything else, but I decided until i'm safely at the next destination...I will simply rest up :) Evidence provided by our trusty friend the internet also states that muscles heal and recover much better with more rest than not...so consider this me repairing my muscles and NOT me avoiding the cold :)

I have to report that we have not been totally idle here in the village of Oulu....As I said the weather has drastically cooled down and the past few days we have been ice skating on the 'local' rink behind our house and then more excitingly on the 'Bothnian Bay' (the sea here)...which gives me a thrill every time I go (I've been doing it now for about 8 or 9 years and i'm still like a kid when go get to walk on it!)...I like to boast that I have walked on the sea...I like to make all and sundry think i'm so totally totally brave, and I am ;)....but sadly I have friends who like to fill the world in on the fact that the sea I walk on is knee deep and at no stage am I really in any great danger...BUT STILL!! Its cool....This year is the first time i've gotten to ice skate on it....and well...GLORIOUS and so so special, I have to say I feel so totally privileged really.  Its amazing how one awesome afternoon can make up for all the hard months of darkness where you feel so caged in and depressed...I mean how many of you have gotten to walk on a frozen sea never mind skate!...I have to admit it makes me feel lucky....

So I feel we have been active, but how active one can get in -16 degrees is a bit iffy....

So besides pottering around and playing with ice, i've been getting ready for the trip....I have to admit i'm now quite scared as I have never traveled anywhere besides SA with my son on my own....and this time its to the big scary USA......This anxiety before travelling is new to me and I am finding it quite disconcerting...she who is all brave and buff has dissapeared for teh moment.

I am rather pedantic though and got all my documents printed copies, labels for everything including my son....we did some 'snack' shopping today and he is sorted :)  I do realise tomorrow I shall have to go through his carry on bag and minimise his booty as....in his excitement I think we have all the lego in Oulu and way too many biscuits :) He has however offered to buy something for me from his 9 euros in case I don't have enough....so at least I need not worry about our finances while over there!!

Anyways, for me, my main problem was WHAT TO TAKE...I have gotten my summer running gear out, but i've no clue....I realise I live from season to season here, and when fully into a particular season as we are now, I can truly not remember what is suitable for a different season.....Its like appropriate clothing evolves as the seasons do here...So i've put in 3/4 running pants, and then a long pair of running pants.....I've resisted adding my woolly leg warmers and thermal running gear....but I have to admit to feeling as if I will die of cold while running over there...So running gear packed....Lets see lets see, ive resisted the urge to add my reflective gear too, but it hurts to leave it, I feel like I will regret it (??!!)....Apparently its warm, but then what exactly is warm....and will we feel cold or warm...

My main hope is to run and no be too cold or too hot...but just get to run and enjoy the freedom of not slipping and worrying what if I slip or will I get too cold and have to stop??!!

Regardless to say i've waxed the mustachio, legs and bikini line...so what with the correct running gear and smooth body....I feel i've covered all bases and can only hope for the best!!!!

So so exciting......

Lets hope there is not a bloody tornado as I will cry if there is....selfish I know, but i'm expecting the tropics as I have been promised by my mom.....

One final pic before I sign off tonight....not very 'running' orientated, sorry but its all part of the training schedule :)  hehe

Here is what -16 looks like...

Happy holidays or last few days of holidays to you all :)  I hope next time I write I will be able to tell you I have just run a 10k in the best time yet!!!!!

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