Tuesday 26 January 2016

Hi ho hi ho its off back home we go...

Well I cant believe its nearly 3 weeks with my family and sunshine over with....damn time flies.....I am looking forward to getting back home and to getting our 'new' routine rolling..., start planning for our big move to Helsinki, looking for a place to stay, looking for jobs for me (ie wading through the Finnish technical language on the job sites using google translate)...and well start sorting out the trip home to SA, as well.....

HOWEVER, going to my home in Finland means I leave my family once again, and that breaks my heart...This was such a last minute, unexpected surprise, but so very needed.  Over time you kind of make your heart hard, you know this is how it is, you have to get on the plane and go....or let your loved ones go... I can't explain it, but you sort of have to toughen up...for me it means I will not cry, I will not show that I am sad when we part at the airport...I can't....because once I let a little of the pain of being separated through...well....On the other hand my brother has no issues with letting all the emotions flow.....He is a little more 'touchy feely' shall we say, I am the tough one ;)

So anyways, tomorrow mom and dad fly home and then on Thursday bright and early Noah and I leave...Its hard when your heart lies in so many places...but then again I suppose I am lucky as I have two places I call my home (My son pointed this fact out to me one trip back from SA when I was very distraught and had begun the crying.....So yea, I have two homes, I am lucky, people I love in both)...

If only it could be like this (and my other brother) more often!!
I got to win the lottery...
The past week has not involved much running sadly.  I've gotten flu from the 4 little terrors that i'm currently living with....little boys.....hygiene.....snot...coughing ......etc etc...lets just say they are not the most polite when it comes to dispensing their germs ;)  On Saturday morning I woke, feeling like a piece of poo and looked out the window to strong winds and 'sleet'....horrendous weather for this paradise...I couldn't bear running in it and felt I would do more harm then good if I dared to face the outdoors while feeling like that..I'm not sure if you watched the news, but there was a terrible blizzard in Washington...and I think South Carolina got the fart end of it, but for me it was enough to say no ways :) I felt no guilt....I get to run in much more unpleasant weather back home..... You would have thought the blizzard had hit Myrtle beach though, the locals were so excited about the 3 drops of snow that fell during the day....I had to giggle...I was SO like that a few years ago myself...

So I missed the 15K and i've not felt up to running since.  The golden rule for exercising while sick / flu-ish is, if above the neck, you ok to go, but if there is anything in the chest, sit it out...So i've been sitting the past few days out.  I feel loads better today (drugs helping possibly??!!) and now i'm hoping that I can get one more run in before I go....the weather today was amazingly summery again, so clearly the blizzard buzzed through and left as quickly, so one more run seems so possible again.........

So for now my bags are packed, sort of.....my heart is heavy and not so heavy....I look forward to getting back into a more regular routine back home...but gees I will miss taking exactly 3 minutes to get ready for my runs, having my brother make us all laugh with his silly antics and mostly being able to hop into the bed with mom and pops, have a morning coffee and chat ... man it has been wonderful......

This is how family should be more than it is not......but its better than never having it at all!!


Only 58 days to go....Sponsor me......YOU know you want to... CLICK HERE...do it now before its too late and you miss out this opportunity to BE AWESOME ..


  1. What a bittersweet post. It sounds like you have had an amazing time but all the best times go too quickly. Shame about the 15k but hope you manage/managed to get in another run before heading back to Finland. Very sweet and mature of Noah to point out the positive side of having two homes!

    1. In the chaos of the last day I didn't get in a run....and the trip home was much better than the trip there so no barefoot running either!! hehe...But yea, sad to leave, good to be home in my little comfy house here in Oulu...so bittersweet is a good way of describing things...as for the little lad...sometimes he can be quite profound, but I find mostly he is just a wild terrorist type ;)

      After we recover from loosing a night, i'm back out there, I really feel like I need to get going again....The weather is gorgeous by the looks of our ride home....so rather excited to test out my new shoes on the local turf now!!
