Tuesday 12 January 2016

Barefoot running.....

So we are here in Carolina...the trip here was a bloody nightmare, but somehow we made it through in one piece!!

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I still have no idea how we made it, from start to finish the trip was full of travelling nightmares...from not having organised the 'visa' for my son and for a heart stopping few moments thinking I would have to cancel the trip....  sitting in the public toilet at Helsinki airport while my son delivered the largest poo I think he has done in MONTHS, desperately trying to convince him there was NO NEED to remove all his clothing while he did so (a habit we can not seem to get him to break...)...to sitting in a plane for over 2 hours while they manually started the plane, it was too cold and the engines would not start... this all before we had left Finland!! The 2 hours we had in our layover at JFK was used up in the wait on the runway in Helsinki.  I had wanted to do this trip relaxed and calm....however, this delay resulted in a MAD, and I lie not, MAD dash, through JFK...Border control...luggage pick up .....luggage drop off...security...5km run to gate...board plane.....All while waving an orange 'SPEEDY TRANSIT' ticket in my hands....I think my son and I managed to make it through the airport in record time to be honest... during the last part of the dash I managed to perfect the art of barefoot running......well, barefoot running with socks on...My son was just a bloody legend is all I can say.

Yes, I ran from one end of JFK, a rather large airport to say the least, with my shoes in my hands laptop in my arm...my backpack on my back, my sons backpack in one hand and then my 'see through bag' full with my liquids (suppositories!!) exposed for all the world to see in the other hand ... Im not even quite sure how or where I held my shoes, but I seemed to have them when we found our seats..so they were in the mix there somewhere!!  I have NO idea how we did it, from landing to plane take off we had 30 minutes..but WE DID IT :)  We slipped through the boarding gate and were the last on the flight, but we did not miss the next flight and got here in almost one piece ....

I have to say I do not enjoy flying, and I really am not happy to run through major airports like a hooligan ...but sometimes you just got to work on your running style...and I did and I got to say, I prefer running with shoes ;)

So yea, we are here, its NOT as warm as my mom has said....but we do have glorious sunshine for many hours each day and for that I am most grateful!  So far I have done 3 runs, the first 2 rocked...the one today was not so good...but such is the nature of running ... and last night I did get stuck into the chocolates...there could be a link .. hehe

Note: the GLORIOUS clear skies.....
Anyways, I have registered for the Charleston half marathon this coming Saturday....I'm very excited....I had not seen it when I was looking for runs before I came out here...We will go there on Friday, apparently its a lovely city...we will stay in the historic quarter...which I have no idea about but will be able to expand on it more after the weekend...The run is early Saturday morning...I've not done the distance training, but i'm just thinking even if I take 3 hours, what a thrill...I have run marathons in the UAE, Jordan, Finland...now I will do one in the USA and then soon after this the big one in SA .. how very exciting!!  We used to joke about doing runs on different continents many years ago...and somehow I seem to be doing it, even if its not been somewhat unplanned..... Funny how you really just cant predict life and what you will end up doing....But yip, very excited about running this race and well getting to run in the sun, and enjoy the vibe as I run through a lovely historic location....Maybe I will make some new friends too!!

Anyways, I do hope to write more but for the moment life here with my family is NUTS...imagine 4 little boys between the ages of 5 and 10....4 wild little guys....a very loud Uncle John...a very loud Hayley and an exhausted Granny and Oupa...so lets just say when the kids crash...I seem to too .. but I have to say I wouldn't change this opportunity for anything.......The half marathon is a real cherry on the top!!!  I SO love being close to my parents and brother, being able to run a half marathon in a t-shirt and shorts make it even more perfect....

Here is a pic of the little peeps who are more than a handful....nothing is simple when you got 4 of them around ... the energy used up daily is excessive!!  I so wish I had half the energy in my bones than they do.

My son wakes up and wants to go outside IMMEDIATELY, this trampoline is heaven
I have my cross training sorted......Double bouncing 4 very excited little guys for hours on end.

What can I say, but this makes my heart warm!!


  1. Are you going to do the London Marathon one day?

    1. I would love to to be honest!! I have tried entering once, but did get in....Maybe it should be the next goal ;)
