Tuesday 22 December 2015

A case of the downers.....

Maybe I shouldn't write, but I figure, this is a blog about how the training for the 2 oceans is going and today I just feel overwhelmed with a feeling of I just cant see how I am going to do it.  Its Tuesday, and here in Finland our main xmas celebration is on Thursday as opposed to xmas day...but regardless, so far, its been a lot of eating bad food (way too much sugar and cheese stuff, I have been avoiding these the past few months, but my gawd they are good)...the weather is well and truly crap.  The temp rose above 0 and the snow has melted on pavements etc and its a slippery horrendous mess, running is so not possible....Its dark too, yesterday was the half way mark, the winter solistice and from now on we technically get more light....but yea its takes a long time to notice the change in reality, end of January if we are lucky. So feeling overwhelmed with all sorts of 'I cant do this, its just not fecking possible, who was I kidding?!!!' feelings. I need to run and I just feel im not getting enough runs in at the moment, even a 5K feels like a mission to the bloody moon....and its just 5Ks.

Maybe once I start eating less sugar and back to the 100% healthy food again, it will help....Or maybe if my son stops giving me such a hard time....every December this happens, but yea I forget how hard it is and each year I enter December blissfully and am quickly reminded how difficult at this time of the year he gets, I suspect the darkness does not help!!!  But I don't know....I am trying to keep up the exercise, as in I went swimming yesterday and today...but its not like running like one needs to do to train for a marathon/half marathon. I cant just swim for the next few months in training for something like a half marathon, it wont help me...I do not know where I can go to do a treadmill...and honestly the gym treadmills are full and to use one for an hour or so...man I cant think of anything more soul destroying.....I run as its outside, I get to breath while im out there...a treadmill??!!!

To do this run in SA, I need to really be on top form, as in to finish it I need to be able to adjust to the changed temperature pretty fast, have some extra vavoom due to the difference in climate, terrain the works...Apparently its quite a hilly run too....we do not have hills here in oulu...The few we do are now covered in snow....The long run the other day left me hurting in all sorts of unusual places, its from the running with caution.......fear of slipping for 12kms...I suppose you pay a price somewhere :/   I know skiing is good exercise too, but the ski paths are ruined coz of the bloody weather and to be hoenst skiing is WAY WAY hard for me, I worry I will break an ankle..I fall over and twist my ankles and then cant get up!!!!!!! So yea, im not sure whats up, its not PMS, as that has been...possibly dietary..being a mother...winter blues.....but as of this exact moment I just feel like I am not going to be able to do this...I wont stop trying, but its not easy gearing myself up to go out and face these elements....If you live somewhere that the weather is more 'running hospitable', please make sure you enjoy it, appreciate what you have coz I would give both breasts to be able to go run comfortably right now!....In the summer its awesome to run here....in the winter...i'm finding its taking its toll...and its not even bloody cold really!

So yea, today i've got the blues..I will watch my crap intake, after I down my last crunchy for the day...I really hope its all that stands between me and my excited motivated self returning....I will keep you posted...but today its simply not a very motivated Bales who writes this particular blog....


  1. The streets are horrendous right now and if you did run you'd more than likely end up falling and breaking a limb which would rule you out of running for a longer time! The snow better come soon, and the temperatures drop......... Think of the clear blue skies of February and March, and how great it is to run then. You can do this - this time last year you were in worse shape and you still slammed through a half marathon. You can do this.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement..I know its all true...I did get out today though...a little slippery in sections but overall I managed ok....most of the main pathways are stoned and sections are ice free by this stage...Its keeping my eye on the end goal that gets a bit hard but I am making an effort to ;)

  2. Chin up Bales, it's the shortest day of the year! Tomorrow you get an extra 6 minutes :) The hills on the route profile are going to tough, especially if you have trained on flat routes. I'd keep nice and slow until the top of the big hill, then you're gravity assisted most of the way home :) Do you have spiked running shoes for the ice? I had some, they are awesome.

    1. In honor of this I went for a run today and took a pic of the bridge I so vividly remember us running over a few years ago, on a dark, rainy bloody November (?) night.... I feel like I can feel these whole extra 6 mins of light today too...NOT! But I got out while it was light and a decent temp, no wind..im glad I did it....As for the shoes, ive been lent a pair to test out....and will adjust an old pair of mine if it gets to that stage...but so far its either just too slushy and icy to bother with the wet feet....or im just not feeling brave enough, studded shoes or not! Must confess I am very nervous of the hills vs no hills...Do you recon if I set up a tread mill in a sauna it may help ;) I think its a totaly ingenious idea....now to find someone who would risk their treadmill..mmmm
