Monday 7 December 2015

Some pics from my runs..

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Ok, well when I run, and I feel that thrill, I always want to share it...That feeling that life is awesome and the world is beautiful, that all will be ok....and I think how lucky am I to live in such a gorgeous little city (Or the completely the opposite, its so shite that really I want to share my misery and life sucks....) Its 50/ in the past, when I was younger and possibly faster....there were no such things as phones with cameras in, NEVER mind whatsapp  :)  So I simply enjoyed the thrill and experiences running / cycling etc provided me with. However, now I take pics on my runs and usually post them to people who possibly couldn't give a rats poop about my gorgeous/harsh environment....but I just can help it (Ok real reason, I need a rest most of the time!!)...I'm all about sharing experiences..

I'm not sure if I have gotten this bad since I live so far from those who mean so much to me or its just coz im an old fart now and think that modern technology is brilliant!!!!!!!! Anyways, if you studied the photoboxes of my family and friends you would find a lot of these pics.....I feel no guilt!

So anyways, here are some of the good / bad / sad pics from a few of my runs this autumn....

A gorgeous Autumn day.....
A not so gorgeous Autumn day...most are like this at this time of year!

My best route is down to the river and along the path there... (I think its a river...possibly its just sea but with islands and no waves?? Finland seems to not have a coastline as I grew up knowing a coastline to be...never mind no waves, to me it all looks like a huge big pond...anyways...) I can't do it often at the moment as if there is a wind, its just too cold and its one of the longer its a special run for me.  When I get to do it, I just feel amazing and appreciative of where I live....Along the path there are fishing boats and you can often see the fishermen spotted out in the water, loads of people walking up and down the path and well...its just plain lovely, I find water calms my soul...So most of the pics are from along there....

Possibly my best view on the route...

Drizzly, grey and miserable!!!!!!

One thing I have also learnt to truly love is the forests here...My earliest experiences of running (apart from seconding my pops) are the school cross country runs we had yearly in Eshowe, where I grew up...We HAD to do it and I was always last!!  So up till recently forest running/cross country running has not been top of my list of things to I have to say running on the forest tracks is harder on the legs....this is from the forests behind where we live, in winter they convert into ski paths and I give skiing a go.....Lets just say I run faster than I ski and the old Finnish people rush past me rather a lot! So now that there is a bit of snow on the ground no more forest runs till next summer again...

Finally, now the temperatures seem to be doing the hovering around zero, we have the snow/slush etc that I have explained are some examples of what it looks like...At the moment its a bit of a combination of ice skating and running...even with the stones on the ground!!  Kinda a good challenge and I find myself giggling alot, so for the moment its ok....

Snow Falling....
Slushy path :(

See my point??  Wet feet....

I do believe the video below is a better way of utilizing the icy conditions  :) Exhausting, but shed loads of fun...

Gravel to ease the slip..
Frozen footprints...


  1. Just beautiful when the sun is shining....its about thise hard times thi right...and getting out there and doing it...and feeling good in those times...and lucky for what you have. You are amazing!

    1. Unreal, some days makes me want to crawl in a bundle and cry but others its truly magnificent and bearable!!!!!!! And yes, after a run in bad weather it does feel good to know I stuck it out, forced myself and well am pumping endorphin's.....
